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Re: Webpage changes. (fwd)

On Mon, 25 May 1998, Andrew Smith wrote:

> On Fri, 22 May 1998, Raymond A. Brown wrote:
> > At 11:56 am -0400 22/5/98, Sally Caves wrote:
> > [....]
> > >What's the old expression in Welsh?  Raymond might know it...
> > >
> > >Iechyd da, a @^%@$ pob saes.  Good Health, and b****r every Englishman.
> > >It's the obscene word that I of course forget, and it's not in the
> > >Geiriadur Mawr!
> > 
> The Welsh Academy English-Welsh dictionary is very concise and gives
> bygro for bugger.  It is very idiomatic in translating phrases with the
> B-word but any dictionary I can find is coy about giving translations of
> these words.

Do you mean _yr Geiriadur Pryfysgol Cymru_?  No, you must not.  It's not
there in my _rhan VI_ and its' strictly Welsh-English.  This, to my mind,
is the big academic dictionary.

No, I was looking for the word in the Welsh toast, that Raymond has
supplied.  Let's see if that's there?  Nope.  Looks like the GPC is much
more prudish than I thought.  It's listed aplenty as a noun and adjective
(bad one, corrupt one, criminal; evil, bad, corrupt, obscene, etc.) but
not as a verb (would be under _drwgaf_). 

> The Brithenig expression is:
> Bon sandad e wath cun pab saeson in ill cul!
> A bit strong...

Unmistakable in its meaning. ;-)

> Bon sandad e a'll diawl cun pab saeson!

Good health and to the devil with every Englisher?
I might just pick this up yet. 

Sally Caves

Berrenua mehuen; celil rilik tohdid nwetis paliky!
"Spring is here; much hair in the cat comb!"