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Re: CELT: Re: Flags (Re: Spoken Conlangs)

On Thu, 2 Apr 1998, Raymond A. Brown wrote:

> .....helped by a linguistic coincidence -
> cennin (sing. cenhinen) = leeks
> cennin Pedr [Peter's leeks] (sing. cenhinen Bedr) = daffodils
> What are they called in Brithenig?
The Leek: Ill Por
St Peter's Leek: Ill Por di Bedr

Fortunately I had been looking out Brithenig food items so I had it at
> Indeed even if Scotland & Wales remain with England, with the six counties
> it'd no longer be the 'United Kindom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland'
> but just plain ol' 'Great Britain' once more.  But by that time I suspect
> someone will have discovered that the red saltire had been representing
> Wales all the time!
Hey, maybe we should make that the Kemrese Flag (humour most certainly
being marked here!)

- andrew.

Andrew Smith                                  <hobbit@earthlight.co.nz>
Life is short, so am I...