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Re: That was quick!

At 13:07 24/4/98, Padraic Brown wrote:
>il di le wenoer (aprils le 24), Sarra le Cawern yscreus:
>> Firrimby! (Diolch, ic the gethancie...you must forgive me if I speak in
>> Teonaht or Welsh eald Englisc for the time being; all I have is Padraic's
>> Kernu at the moment, and haven't yet absorbed it.  Is there a paper copy
>> of Brythenig?  I offered Andrew an exchange...;-)  Complete with tape of
>> me making a fool of myself in Teonaht and Old English).

Croeso, Sally!

>Feel free to write in any language you please, so long as it's in Roman
>letters! :-)

Does that mean Iewan Llewan's Piat is OK?  ;-)
BTW, Iewan, does the alternative history of *There* have any bearing on the
Piat speakers of central Europe?


Written in Net English        Humor not necessarily marked
