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Funny, how one can deliver jeremiads about one's former faith yet turn into
a protective mother about one's present.  The Arthurian world is the basis
of  Latter-Day Druid spirituality, its mythology more important than its
historicity.  Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin, the Lady of the Lake et al., are
all archetypes of great power, each representative of a season of the
natural year and an elemental force (air, fire, sea, earth).  They are
invoked daily as The Bright Ones, and are the "hosts" of the 4 ancient
festivals (the solstices and equinoces).

In ways I haven't put together yet, the importance of Latter-Day Druidry to
the maintenance of the Arthurian mythos in Kemrese culture is key.


I still miss my man...
  but my aim is getting better.