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Re: Religion and Flags and Things . . .

If we have got that out of our system I might suggest we close Pandora's
box and sit on it, for a while at least.  We can look at its contents
again in the future.

I'm convinced that if Brithenig is a living language it expresses the
personal worldviews of all its speakers, whether they are Latter-day
druid, Roman Catholic, Cambriese Uniate, Eastern Orthodox, Presbyterian
or unaffiliated.  As Delenn once said, Humans are strong because they
create communities.

Somewhere in the multiverse Kemr exists.  May we be kind to them and their
history, skinny legs, warts and all.  Probably at the top of their
bestseller lists this week is an exciting new novel detailing the
uncovering of a conspiracy between Kemrese and Greek extremists to
liberate Istanbul.

Some months ago Peter asked me for a list of first names.  I've nearly
finished it and should be posting it soon.

Suggestions for a less crowded flag design are still welcome!

- andrew.

Andrew Smith                                  <hobbit@earthlight.co.nz>
Life is short, so am I...