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Re: American dialect of Brithenig

John Cowan wrote:
> The American dialect of Brithenig is orthographically just like
> the standard language, but has differences in phonology (which I
> will discuss) and lexis (which I will not).  It comes in a Northern
> flavor spoken in the province of New Castreleon, and a smaller
> Southern flavor spoken in the province of Ter Mair.  This discussion
> is pan-dialectal.

Now this piques my curiosity!  What is the history of the colonization
of America in the Brithenig universe?  Where is New Castreleon, and
Ter Mair?  What does the continent look (and sound) like today?
My apologies if these questions have been answered before.

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Niffodyr tweluenrem lis teuim an.
"The gods have retractible claws."
				from _The Gospel of Bastet_