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Re: [conculture] Rasism and xenophoby

From: Andrew Smith <hobbit@mail.earthlight.co.nz>

On Sat, 29 May 1999, Carlos Thompson wrote:

> How does rasism affect your concultures?
Many Chomro are concerned about the number of English speakers in their
country.  There have always been two or three communities in Cambria where
the English population outnumbered the Chomro, despite the fact they have
always Kemrese patriots.  But for nearly two hundred years Cambria has had
an open border with England, and not all the visitors have gone home
again.  This causes some resentment among the Chomro which has lead to
violence.  Not all Kemrese citizens support such activity, which is seen
as caused by an ultra-nationalist minority.  Still the concern that their
language and culture is under threat from English is an underlying fear.

At this stage it is unknown if the Kemrese are prejudiced towards race.
Apart from the English, the Irish and the Spanish immigrant minorities
remain small. 

- andrew.

Andrew Smith, Intheologus 			hobbit@earthlight.co.nz

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