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[conculture] Re: Kemrese Church possibilities

From: Andrew Smith <hobbit@mail.earthlight.co.nz>

On Mon, 26 Apr 1999, Padraic Brown wrote:

> Even if small colonies of Vikings ended up along the St. Lawrence or
> around the Lakes (as some say happened *here*), they would probably be
> destroyed by the Indians or intermarry with, in the end; and I doubt that
> they'd be much more than fodder for *there*'s speculationists -- vague
> tales of blond Iroquois, Algonquian words that sound remarkably like
> Icelandic words, and such.  Perhaps a crude or debased kind of
> Christianity is to be found amongst certain tribes? 
But not Mandans, too far west!
> In the end, it might be safest to allow that Iceland, Greenland, Norway,
> Northern Germany and the Low Countries are most strongly affected by the
> Cambriese church.  It remains strongest at home, possibly Norway and the
> Low Countries as you say, and Iceland.  It'd probably be safest to allow
> no more than a limited expansion into Vinland (perhaps a couple of the
> Vinland colonies prosper, rather than falter, as *here*).  With the 15th
> century's abandonment of Greenland, Vinland would be all but forgotten,
> and some Cambrian explorer will have a nice surprise awaiting him when
> he's searching out the Northwest Passage or some such, two hundred years
> later. 
After an expedition had confirmed this probably a bishop would be sent to
investigate.  In the Cambriese rite bishops are subordinate to the abbots.
Abbots are the spiritual 'fathers' of a monastery and the churches
historically dependant on it, but bishops are responsible for the
sacramental life and practice within that area.  In the eyes of the laity
they are seen as more actively involved in the life of the church because
a parish priest or monk receives his or her office to dispense the
sacraments from a bishop.  The concept of a self-ordaining succession of
priests derived from the tradition of the Cambriese rite would seem
abhorent to the hierarchy and would want to ensure that their belief and
practice was 'correct'. 

- andrew.

Andrew Smith, Intheologus 			hobbit@earthlight.co.nz

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