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Re: constructed romance languages
On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Daniel J. O'Neil wrote:
> Where can I find more information about Kernu? As one who has studied
> several romance languages, I was immediately intrigued and am eager to
> learn more about your conlang.
> Has anyone else on this list created constructed romance languages? I've
> already seen Brithenig (which I love).
Kernu is Brithenig's sister language and a lovely piece of work in its own
right. The Celtic-Romance family also includes Brzhoneg, designed by
Frank Valoczy and Breathanach, a Goidelic romance language designed by
Geoff King. Breathanach has its own webpage.
Frank also has a page on the net for Neo-Dalmatian. Although it's
incomplete it has me chewing at the furniture everytime I look at it.
It's a "Gee, I wish I thought of that language" language. Yes, it's one I
would like to play with.
Philip Jonson admitted to a romance language he had created, but he hasn't
let on to anymore than its name.
That's all the Romance languages that I can think offhand that are active
on this list.
- andrew.
Andrew Smith, Intheologus hobbit@earthlight.co.nz
Q. Why are there so many Smiths in the Phone Book?
A. Because they all have telephones!
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