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[conculture] Re: New data point for Brithenig time line

From: Andrew Smith <hobbit@mail.earthlight.co.nz>

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, John Cowan wrote:

> (Conculturists, more information is available in summary form at
> http://www.earthlight.co.nz/~andrew/brithenig/brithenig.html#kemr)
uh-oh!  Now I'm going to have to fix up all those errors in the html
before people start complaining at me!

I have discovered a headache working out a translation for the movie title
"Shakespeare in Love".  Stratford-upon-Avon lies on the bordermarches
between Kemr and England, so I can't say at this point whether Bardd lla
Afon existed as a playwright - perhaps he was a soldier on the border.
Even if he did exist, the Folio would have been different because of the
changes in the timeline.

- andrew.

Andrew Smith, Intheologus 			hobbit@earthlight.co.nz

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