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[conculture] Naming customs was Re: (no subject)

From: Padraic Brown <pbrown@polaris.umuc.edu>

On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, FFlores wrote:

> From: "FFlores" <fflores@arnet.com.ar>
> Speaking of which, it would be interesting to
> know about naming tendencies in concultures.
> For example, are there first and last names
> (surnames)? Which order do they come in? etc.

Well, appendix vi of the Kernu grammar happens to be concerned with naming
customs.  First off it ought to be noted that the legal language of Kemr
is Latin (actually a somewhat altered form of Latin, not "Classical
Latin"), and in addition to one's name in the vernacular, everyone has
legal forms of names as well.  The latin forms of names are formularised
and archived by the legal system in a book called "Onomasticon".  Within
the Province of Duneint, there are three common forms of names: the
"Roman", the "British" and the "Spanish" customs (the last is due to the
relatively large number of Spanish immigrants and their descendants,
particularly Galicians and Austurians).

The Roman Custom is ultimately derived from, you guessed it, ancient Roman
custom; and has three forms, the Simple, the Complete and the Formal.

One's simple name includes the first name (il nom) and the clan name (il
nom la gent):
  Ambrosius Ferrario (Ambrose Smith)

One's complete name adds the second name (il nom secund) which is
analagous to our middle names (though they don't come in the middle) and
the tribal name (il nom la tuta):
  Ambrosius Ferrario Arthursus Cornovio (Ambrose Smith Arthur Cornovio)

One's formal name adds genealogical information, and citizens may add the
aftername (il nom depos) which is used frequently as a matter of patriotic
  Ambrosius Ferrario mappos Patricci neppos Severi Arthursus Cornovio
Romanos (Ambrose Smith, son of Patrick grandson of Severus, Arthur
Cornovio, a Roman Citizen) Is that a mouthfull or what!  The formal name
is used in court, and for any legal purpose.

Practicing Catholics (&c.) must also add their confirmation name to the
  Sarra la Arten niccu Geronti neppa Ambrosi Livea incristo Bregantea
Cornovio Bretannecca (Sara Bear, daughter of Gereint granddaughter of
Ambrose, Livia in Christ Brigantia Cornovio, a British Citizen).

The British custom, which as far as I know is the norm in the rest of
Kemr, is like American or British names: Andrews Ambrosius Carrotoros
(first name, second name, clan name).  Of course, the legal system has to
make things more difficult, so the formal form of the British custom adds
(grand)parental information as well.

The Spanish custom is obviously based on the Hispanic custom, but ignores
the mess created by the issue of legitimate/illegitimate status:  Iewannos
Carlos Matamoros Cantabregea (first name, second name, father's clan name,
mother's clan name).  Spanish influence is most keenly felt in the port
towns, and indeed a number of Spanish words have been borrowed into Kernu
(il xefes, dockmaster, yardmaster, chief, boss; embarccar, to go aboard
ship; il fouracano, hurricane; il rial, six pence; il Xitanes, Gypsy;

I'm not entirely certain if one gets one's clan through the mother or
father; but I think it might be patrilinial. 


> I'm posting this to both Conlang and Conculture,
> so sorry to those of you who'll get this twice.
> I think this is a boundary issue.
> --Pablo Flores (the firstborn... :)

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