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History, Ancient and Modern

Queen Victoria Plantagenet - I like it.  You are fortunate that I am
looking over my homepages at the moment so some annotations went in

I also noticed to my interest that Ambrosius Aurelianus Vlatos is honoured
by the Chomro as the founder of Cambria, the greatest of the ancient kings
who reigned before the emperor Arthur. 

I regret to say that in the Federated Kingdoms Cumbria is Saesonig.  There
is nothing we can do about that.

It's nearly time for me to go away for a weekend visit to friends out of
town so I'll read you all on Monday.

Later next week I shall be out of town again because I have to go
housesitting for three months while my brother Tim does a working holiday
in a British pub.  During that time my email address shall change to
smiff@es.co.nz.  I'll let you know when it happens. 

- andrew.

Andrew Smith                                  <hobbit@earthlight.co.nz>

MAN, despite his artistic pretensions, his sophistication, and his many
accomplishments; still owes his existence to a six-inch layer of topsoil
and the fact that it rains.
							   - Anonymous