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Re: Rromei-Geldyghei lyngvei (Roman-Celtic langs)

On Fri, 17 Apr 1998, Don Blaheta wrote:

> Quoth Frank George Valoczy:
> > I haven't decided what to do with adjectives yet; Both Breton and Latin
> > adjectives agree with the noun; but I'm bored with that from Vranian and
> > Neo-Dalmatian; undeclining adjectives like Finnish and Hungarian are
> > intrinsically boring too.  Suggestions?
> Depends on how wacky you want to get. :)  You could have just some
> adjectives agree with nouns, or have all agree but only in certain
> situations (certain cases?) or with certain nouns.  Of course, that
> might be hard to justify in terms of a Celtic lang.  Then again, French
> adjectives agree in number and gender, but (at least in spoken form)
> this can appear to be not showing agreement in certain conditions... you
> might try something interesting with Celt-esque mutations.

I think I want to keep it as likely as possible given the mother langs in
question, so I think I'll probably use neo-Latin forms.

> > Numbers:  I kept the Breton numbers, with a vigesimal system like French,
> > so I guess that'll make it base-20; 18 is "three sixes".
> Three sixes?  Where is that from?

Breton.  As to it's etymology, I haven't a clue.

> > Breton has "inflecting prepositions".  Do Brithenig and Kemru?  I'm still
> > figuring those out, whether to include it or not; I'm leaning towards the
> > 'not'.
> Is this like Italian?  (In Italian, it's more a matter of certain
> prepositions fused with the article following them, and changed in
> certain ways.)  I thought that was pretty neat... might be a bit
> excessive with a different form for each case, though.

Actually these are (I believe) prepositions with possessive suffixes

Ferenc Gy. Valoczy

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-Oblast je morda nesimpaticna, a edina nesmrtne pot miru in stabilizacije.