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Re: CHAT: Celtic in Conlangs (Re: Origin of names of conlan

On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, And Rosta wrote:

> Ah, well for the present home of the Celtic Church you need to
> go to Kemr, for information on which, hunt down Andrew Smith's
> Brithenig page.
The language Brithenig has its own history because its existance creates a
bifurcation down the Trousers of Time.  In our history the Celtic Church
was absorbed into the Roman Church in the 7th and 8th centuries.  But down
the other leg the Celtic Church had the patronage of the Princes of Kemr
and preserved it as the Established Church of Kemr.  By the 11th century
the Celtic Church acknowledged the authority of the Pope and became known
as the Cambriese Rite after that period.  The spiritual head of the church
in Kemr is the Abbot Patriarch of Glastonbury.  Like all religions in
European nations the Cambriese Rite is declining in numbers in the modern
era as people seek out new forms of spirituality, the most popular being

The liturgy of the Cambriese Rite is based on the Stowe Missal, which, one
day, I promise myself, I will translate into Brithenig.  I found the
Missal translated into English on the net.  It took a bit of doing but it
is there.

Suggestions relating to the conhist of Kemr is always welcome.  Writing
conhist makes writing conlang look interesting.

And if people are looking for the Brithenig Page try
www.earthlight.nz.co/users/andrew unless my memories wrong.

- andrew.

Andrew Smith                                  <hobbit@earthlight.co.nz>
Life is short, so am I...