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The Grand Master Plan

a, a: -> a
e, ae -> e
e:, oe -> ui
i, i: -> i
o -> o
u, o: -> u
u: -> y

act -> aeth, ax -> aes
ect -> eith, ex -> eis
ict -> i:th, ix -> i:s
oct -> oeth, ox -> oes
uct -> uith, ux -> uis

In VL words erC -> arC when unstressed

iCa#; uXa# -> eX; oX

aCi# -> eiC	-aCi- -> -eC-	aw+i -> ew
		-aCj- -> -eiC-
eCi# -> yC	-eCi- -> -eC-
		-eCj- -> -eiC-
oCi# -> yC	-oCi- -> -eC-
		-oCj- -> -eiC-
uCi# -> yC

i + i -> ei

p, -b-	pt -> th; rp, lp -> rff, lff; rpt -> rth; pp -> ff; ph -> ff
t, -d-  th -> th; lt -> -ll-, -llt; rt -> rth
VL th -> t, -d-
c, -g-  qu -> c; cc -> ch; ct -> ith; nct -> ith
-cl-, -cr- -> gl, gr; lc, rc -> lch, rch
VL ch -> c, -g-
b, -f-  before l, r, n af -> aw, of -> o:, uf -> u:, ef -> e, if -> i,
 eif -> ei
d, -dd- dd -> 0/_C; -dr- -> -ir-; -dm- -> -m-; ld -> llt; rd -> rdd
g, -0-  gn -> in; gl -> il; gr -> ir; lg, rg -> ly, ry
l -> ll/#_ else l; -lt- -> ll, -> llt/_#; ll -> ll, nl -> nll
r -> rh/#_ and n_ else r
m, -f-  m ->f/_* or *_ (* N, r, l)
n, -n-  nj -> n; nff -> ff
N+voicedstop -> N
#sC -> #ysC; x -> is; sl -> ll; #sr -> rh; -sr- -> rr; 
 ls -> ls; rs -> rs; sm -> m; sn -> n; ns -> s; sw -> chw

These are the rules of soundchange that affect Brithenig.  Some of them
are more thumb than others.  Application would differ for Kernu, Brzhoneg
and Breathanach.

- andrew.

Andrew Smith                                  <hobbit@earthlight.co.nz>

MAN, despite his artistic pretensions, his sophistication, and his many
accomplishments; still owes his existence to a six-inch layer of topsoil
and the fact that it rains.
							   - Anonymous