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Re: The Grand Master Plan

Andrew Smith wrote:

> ... for members of Celticonlang who want to see how
> Brithenig evolved its sound changes from Vulgar latin, well, here they
> are!


Great! Thanks a lot.

> These are the rules of soundchange that affect Brithenig.  Some of them
> are more thumb than others.

This is an interesting idiom - where does it come from?

>  Application would differ for Kernu, Brzhoneg
> and Breathanach.

If anyone's interested, I'll assemble something for Breathanach...

 [] My mission in life is to create original,    [] Geoff Eddy, in
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 [] interesting and memorable .signature files.  []   (the one in
Scotland)  []
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--++--++--++--++--++--++ []
 [] Homepage is at http://www.cix.co.uk/~morven  []  as sdainireumh
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