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Re: Webpage changes. (fwd)

Andrew thought that perhaps we could get some interesting ideas from the
rest of us (that is, you lot) with respect to the following discussions. 
There's nothing in here really Brithenig related per se; but it does
concern the history and culture. 

eo e hAndreus sich nus yscreusem-nois:

[Regarding the succession and Salic law, etc.]
> I see some interesting things have been happening in the "Kemr" section
> and in the "Timeline".  How have they solved the Succession?  I'm sure
> that in the seven years since Our Beloved Constentine (God rest his soul)
> joined with the hosts of the dead, _something_ has been done.
If they have no report has reached me yet.  I understand that Gereint has
grandsons.  One of those is being groomed as his successor.  Information
as it comes to hand.

> Do you have any idea how many of the petty kingdoms (exclusive of the
> Dumnonian ones) are still about, and where they are?  Any ideas as to how
> politically active these kings may be?
I confess talking about surviving petty kingdoms seems as strange to me as
the survival of the heptarchy.  I guess some aristocratic families still
claim descent from the kinglets that existed in Cambria before the
unification north of the Limestone Hills became effective.  At a guess I
would say they exist with all of the provinces having one, at least.
Probably I would call them llo Ddug or llo hIllystr as ill Rhui equates
with ill Terruin to me.

[In Kernow, il rech is a very diffuse term and is used to mean mayors of
towns and cities, wardens over empty land tracts, wardens over parks,
estate owners (by heredity or purchase), the four Provincial kings, the
national king (Gereint xiii in his role as King of Cambria), and other
foreign kings/princes/potentates, etc.  'Ill Terruin' (il Teruwins) is
mistarista; and has no meaning in Kernu; it's a borrowed term used mostly
when talking with someone unfamiliar with the native terminology (such as
it is). Gereint xiii as king of the whole country (i.e., Britain) is 'il
Uchelrech lor mBritanor' (High King of the Britons).  Some obstinate types
insist on adding 'yen e ollor' (one and all) to his title, thereby
equating him with Arthur, or affirming his natural and hereditary claim to
the highkingship (without which, Kernow would have long ago said 'take a
bloody hike, already!'); and thus placing him _above_ the other kings. 
(By the way, Arthur's traditional title from the earliest Dumnonian cycles
is 'il Roy lor mBritanor yen e ollor'.  This (along with including Arthur
in the exploits and adventures of the national hero, King Mark) was
something of a public relations ploy which served very nicely to cement
the relationship between Kernow and Comrow.) The only step above this is,
of course, 'il imperadur', and until G. sets the Army in motion towards
Constantinople ... well, I suppose that's a wee bit of wishfull
thinking ... ;-)  ]

That would create roughly half a dozen interrelated families north of lla
Ysteir Sefren who could claim this title, plus members of lla Gas di
Badren that make up the elite of aristocratic society.
> I hope llo Reithur work with the local governing structures (where
> existing), rather than as little tyrants?
I perceive llo Reithur as elected official who chair the provincial
councils.  I think more like a mayor in power than a governor.  If you
pass this on to the Sessiwn then Iewan might have some suggestions.

> How does the clan system work?  Or is this equivalent to the old Tribes? 
> Or are the Tribes (wherever they still may be) divided into clans?  Or was
> this a 'New Order' sort of thing, instituted in the ninth century?  Or
> have you died of a surfeit of ors, oars, hors d'ouvres, etc.? 

Hors d'ouvres!  Food!  Where! Oh, that's what you woke me up for!  Sorry.

[Easy, tiger!  The party hasn't started yet!]

Clan is a subset of Tribe, if Tribe existed in the first place beyond the
identity with province.  I imagine the clan is the family in its broadest
extent.  In its oldest form a farming community as it existed in a single
place would be made up by a clan.  One senior member of the clan was
elected as the cabient, the head of the clan who made the decisions that
effected the entire community and was the representative for the clan
before the Centref, the traditional regional court.  By the ninth century
this had become the custom for the nation, the only exceptions being
church and crown (serfdom).  Since the early modern period the ties that
unite the clan have continually weakened to the point where now resembles
a family reunion.  Imagine all the descendants of the first 'Brown' to
come to America getting together to elect a cabient.  You get the picture.

Again I would suggest forwarding this to the Sessiwn to pool what thoughts
we can garner.

[Consider it forwarded.  What thoughts are there out there to be

- andrew.

Andrew Smith                                  <hobbit@earthlight.co.nz>

MAN, despite his artistic pretensions, his sophistication, and his many
accomplishments; still owes his existence to a six-inch layer of topsoil
and the fact that it rains.
							   - Anonymous