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Re: A certain town in Kemr...

I wrote:

> > Pluifairllagunblancoryllentiustillrhebiddgurchpluitysiliocafurnrhys
> > 
> > Looking up this monstrosity, I found the following commentary, attributed
> > to a well-known authority:

If Raimundus won't admit it, I will reveal that he was the authority in
question, last October on CONLANG, although I have translated his Welsh
to Brithenig.

> > [detailed explication deleted]

In full, it is:

pluif-fair llagun-blanc-coryll ent-iust-ill-rhebidd-gurch
pluif-tysilio cafurn-rhys

tracking the Welsh version exactly:

llan-fair pwll-gwyn-gyll go-ger-y-chwyrn-drobwyll
llan-tysilio gogo-goch

Note that "tysilio" irregularly resists mutation in both the Welsh
and the Brithenig versions.  New vocabulary items:

	llagun (m.)	pool
	coryll (m.)	hazel, from scientific Latin *Corylus*
			(of Greek origin?)
	iust		near (< iuxta)
	gurch (m.)	whirlpool (< gurges)
	cafurn (f.)	cave (< caverna)

Any objections to any of these?

Padraig wrote:

> It's nice to know there's another Railway in Kemr, though.

So it would seem.

> And a good [posting] it was!  Keep it up!

Thanks, I shall.

John Cowan	http://www.ccil.org/~cowan		cowan@ccil.org
	You tollerday donsk?  N.  You tolkatiff scowegian?  Nn.
	You spigotty anglease?  Nnn.  You phonio saxo?  Nnnn.
		Clear all so!  'Tis a Jute.... (FW 16.5)