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Re: [conculture] Government structure

I have removed conculture from this posting, since it's
about the Primary World only.

Andrew Smith wrote:

> Let me get back to you on that.  The crux is what did David Lloyd-George
> do *here* between 1908-1911.  Lloyd-George is the model for Gris-Geory.

The Parliament Act 1911 (*here*) provides that the Lords can
delay or amend "primary legislation" and to block, delay, or
amend "secondary legislation".  I am not clear on the difference.
The amendment power may only be exercised by agreement with Commons.
The Lords may also block a bill intended to lengthen the life
of an existing Parliament (to prevent Long Parliaments from coming
into being).

Here are some ideas, drawn from the "Initial Report of the
Constitutional Commission to consider options for a new Second
Chamber" (http://www.mackaycommission.org.uk/initial_report.txt),
on the process of choosing members:

# (a)	by direct election on a different electoral system from
#	that used to elect the House of Commons;
# (b)	by indirect election by specified electoral colleges
#	representing distinct interests - for example, different
#	professional associations;
# (c)	by nomination by institutions throughout the United Kingdom,
#	whether statutory or otherwise;
# (d)	by the designation of certain posts or offices as conferring
#	ex officio membership of the Second Chamber (in a way analogous
#	to the present position of the bishops in the House, or of the
#	Lords of Appeal in Ordinary);
# (e)	by appointment by a central authority (similar to, or in the
#	same way as, the Crown at present has the power, on the advice
#	of the Prime Minister, to appoint peers), perhaps with regard
#	to certain qualifications or in consultation with specified
#	institutions.

It is also mentioned that the term of service might be
for life, be subject to a retirement age, or be for a fixed term
either renewable or not.

Historical note: the term "Second Chamber" was used during the
Commonwealth, along with "Other House", in the various attempts
at a written constitution.  The restoration of Charles II
swept all these away, of course.

John Cowan	http://www.ccil.org/~cowan		cowan@ccil.org
	You tollerday donsk?  N.  You tolkatiff scowegian?  Nn.
	You spigotty anglease?  Nnn.  You phonio saxo?  Nnnn.
		Clear all so!  'Tis a Jute.... (Finnegans Wake 16.5)