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[conculture] Re: Kemrese Church possibilities

From: Padraic Brown <pbrown@polaris.umuc.edu>

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, Andrew Smith wrote:

> From: Andrew Smith <hobbit@mail.earthlight.co.nz>
> On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Padraic Brown wrote:
> > I came across an interesting post in the alternate history group today,
> > and thought that some of it might be useful in detailing Kemrese history.
> >
> I take it this is from one of the alt.history newsgroups then?

Indeed, and it's still a healthy thread; though perhaps not too usefull
for us.  Currently, they have Celtic Christianity everywhere from North
America to Norway and on down to northern mainland Europe; some putting
it as far south as Switzerland and including France.

> Hmmm, Vinlanders...

They seem a likely target for the Celtic brand of Christianity to convert.
There would have been close contact from very early times, providing for
many opportunities to convert.

I don't think the Vinland colony ever really got off the ground due to the
ice age and everything.  It's been said that if the Greenlanders had
learnt to live (in Greenland) like the Natives, then they might still be
there.  Then perhaps they might have an opportunity to move into Vinland
and further on a more permanent and lasting basis.


> - andrew.
> Andrew Smith, Intheologus 			hobbit@earthlight.co.nz
> "Break someone's leg."
> 			- Old Orc Saying.

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