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Sally's Word List.
Here's a corrected and emmended list of Kernu. I hope the accent marks
come out right...
1. God, gods, angels, saints, and demons.
Being good Catholics, the Kernow will simply have their own versions of
familiar terms (familiar to Catholics, anyway!):
il Deus il Paoer: God the Father
il Deus il Mapos: God the Son
la Deva la Ysperitus Santa: God the Holy Ghost (yes,
la Marea Sempeor Werginea: Mary Ever Virgin (a curious
changeover of a normal -n stem noun uergeu into the -a stems)
la Nusteor Doawnea la Breten: Our Lady of Britain
la Nusteor Daownea la Kimbrea: Our Lady of Cambria
il Sang Perro il Maxam Carú: Saint Piran Most Beloved (the Maxam Carú
bit is added to Kernow saints)
il San Ystans il Maxam Caru: St. Stannus Most Beloved patron of tin
miners, and something of a linguist)
il San Devets: St. David of Cambria
la Santa Bregant: St. Brigantia
il Deyavouls: the Devil
il Salwadeor Maboun: the Excellent Saviour
il Sang Pedeor Apossoels: St. Peter the Apostle
il San Iowan il Efanjelista: St. John the Evangelist,
la Deva Epona: the Goddess Epona (the goddess of horses,
whose worship is more or less restricted to the horse racing fields)
il Miccelanjels: the Archangel Michael
il Kernunos: the Horned One
il Sang Patreys: St. Patrick
il Ogmios: Ogmios
il Xesuxrists: Jesus Christ
2. Human family relationships.
la maoer: mother
il paoer: father
la seor: sister
il fraoer: brother
la yccoer: wife (the above are -r stems)
il maretú: husband
la nicú: daughter
il maps: son
la matrú: foster mother
il patrú: foster father
la germana: foster sister
il germans: foster brother
il fils: foster son
la filla: foster daughter (I don't think there's
been a case of legitimate fosterage in years; but it's quite commonly
found in literature. Here we see also the phenomenon of the "native"
Celtic word being applied to the normal circumstance (maps = son) while
the Romance word gets transferred to a related circumstance (fils = foster
il senopaoer / il avos: grandfather
la senamaoer / la avea: granmother
il/la nefets: grand child, nephew
il sengogs: father's grandfather, male ancestor
la senyoga: father's grandmother, female ancestor
il copatrú: father-in-law (lit. "with the father")
la comatrú: mother-in-law (lit. "with the mother)
la seor peitrun: father's sister (paternal aunt)
il braoer peitrun: father's brother (paternal uncle)
il patrechu: mother's brother (maternal uncle)
la matrechu: mother's sister (maternal aunt)
3. The parts of the body.
il pens: head
il caboels: hair of the head
la soersula: eyebrows (the "overeyes")
la occla: eyes
y sules: eyes of a beautiful woman ("the suns": a
common literary technique, especially applied to mislaid kings' daughters
whose true identities are discovered by a prince or old crone or some such
by means of looking into their eyes)
la boucca: mouth
il gob: mouth (slang)
y dhentes: teeth
la orela: ears
il incus: the incus [the three ossicles of the inner
il ystapes: the stapes " "
il malleus: the malleus " "
il cols: neck
y h-ois: bones
y h-oussicoelles: ossicles, freshly butchered bones
la brecca: arms
la mana: hands
y dheyttes: fingers, toes
la jamba: legs
y phedes: feet
la puiyna: fists
la orta: thumbs, big toes
il kenams: an old gnawed leg bone
4. Diseases of the body.
5. Names relating to Church or Religion
la ecluis: church building or group of people
la nimitú: altar, holy place
la epistola: epistle
la festa: holy day of obligation
la llawa: Staff of Kernunos
il druets: priest
il paornostre: the Paternoster
Y Cheil: the Heavens
il Livoers lor Santor: the Book of Saints
il livoers de hures: book of hours (a prayer book)
il livoers de dies: book of days (another prayer book. Both
are invariably carried by small and ancient black clad widows on their
daily pilgimages to church.)
la ostea: the Host
la Sang la Salwacion: the Blood of Salvation
il Sang Concurs: the Blessed Course (At certain times of
year, the King's own horses run in a special race, blessed in a ceremony
by a priest of Epona, i.e., the Bishop of Esca or a priest of St. Martin's
church (Esca), since that parish has gradually taken over the functions of
the rather more pagan temple.)
la Senya la Cruce: the Sign of the Cross
la Biblea: the Bible
il epispos: bishop
il dicona: deacon
il monaccos: monk
la Via Crucis: Way of the Cross, Stations of the Cross
(Here a complete importation of the Latin phrase. Incidentally, the same
phenomenon is found in Spanish.)
las ystacion: the Stations
il monaccilos: accolyte, altar server
6. Names relating to Secular Hierarchies the parts of Government
il Terrú: the High King of Cambria
il Ucoelreys: the High King of Dumnonia
y Reyes Dewdeno de Kernow: the Twelve Kings of Kernow
il Caswent: the Seat of National Government
il Castellochomynú: House of Commons
il Castelloddomonú: House of Lords
il Reydoers: Provincial Governor
la Prenceptats lor Combror: the Kingdom of the Comrow (Kdm. of
il druets: judge
il camulos: dukedom/kingdom
il Imperateor: the Emperor (Anymore only used in
Arthurian scholarship (Artursus il Imperateor); and in all legal documents
(Imperatore Costantio Bisantio))
y MP: Members of Parliament (also known
colloquially as "them bastards up in Caerleon")
il reys: king (By law, a man with
at least 100 cows, at least one (potent) bull, a "dunum" or stronghold,
and at least one follower for every 10 cows; or husband of a queen.
Applications accepted at any local government office.)
la rigu: queen (As above, but replace "man"
by "woman", etc.)
y phrestri: the clergy
y khingethes: knights (By law, a man or woman
with a horse capable of entering battle, a lance, a sword, armour
appropriate to the situation; a squire with horse; and with no conflict of
interest in serving a king. Windmill optional.)
la Leys: Law (always capitalised)
la custancea de nasment: birth certificate (A long-winded
affair describing each parent and grandparent, their work, their ages,
marital status, land ownership, titles; describes the child's sex, hair
colour, eyes, names, etc. Anymore accompanied by foot and thumb prints
and frequently an iconograph.)
la Courts de Entercambea: International Mercantile Court
la deliberansa dex filez: a legal paper that makes a minor a
major before the usual amount of years; but can only be granted under
unusual circumstances, such as the deaths of both parents, with no elder
siblings, and no close relatives at hand.
il dunum: a stronghold (A fenced yard will
do, usually.)
7. The parts of trade and human craft.
cambiar: to trade
la cambea: international trade
il ferrars: smith (in general)
il worts: smith's hammer (etymologically related to
thumb / big toe)
il incces: anvil
il gowvnu: blacksmith
il stanneors: whitesmith
il oreors: goldsmith
il argenteirs: silversmith
caroteors: cartwright
la servina: serving girl
il varros: manservant / butler
il physicks: physician
il docteors: scholar
il maisteors: school master
il druets: priest or lawyer
il bards: bard
il taverneirs: barkeep
il pennaqueirs: knacker (Believe it or not, derived from
the English word.)
il futbolleirs: footballer (that's "rugby" for the Merkins
on list)
8. Days, months, seasons of the year, hours, minutes.
il diluns: Monday
il dimarts: Tuesday
il dimerchoers: Wednesday
il dijowes: Thursday
il diwenoers: Friday
il disatorns: Saturday
il disulis: Sunday
il Oyrons: March
il Aprils: April
il Mays: May
il Yuns: June
il Ecuis: July
il Ogustus: August
il Sentembrei: Septermber
il Oechtembrei: October
il Samons: November
il Dummans: December
il Yanouers: January
il Fevrouers: February
il otons: Fall
il duvotemps: Winter (the "Black Time")
la primawera: Spring
il Samotemps: Summer
y mhatini: matins
la prima: prime
la ters: terce
la sesta: sixt (Especially popularised in Kemr by
inhabitants of the various Spanish Quarters.)
y nones: none
y vespres: vespers
la complue: complin
9. The Quotidian things of life: clothing, houses, farming.
la toga: cloak, poncho, etc.
la tuneca: shirt
la sona: belt
la domu: house
il treclens: main room of a house, dining room
la bos: cow
il tarfs: bull
il dams: ox
il gavoers: billygoat
la gavra: nannygoat
il gals: cock
la galú: chicken
la ouis: ewe
la luccets: mouse
il cats: cat
il cu: hound
il acres: field
il cars: mechanical reaper
mulccer: to milk
dryfer: to drove
10. The parts of the Natural World.
la terra: land
la mors: sea
il oceans: ocean
il contenents: continent
la awvna: river
la planeta: planet
il cels: sky
y mhontes: hills
la bosca: forest
la aforestúe: Royal Forest
il casseyns: oak
la yerva: herb
eyseorns: iron
il frecs: heather
la umetats: dampness
il Pens-Dundagelles: Tintagel Head
la Britanomors: the British Sea
la Llantemors: the Atlantic Ocean
il furacà: hurricane
la llepsis: eclipse