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Re: nu alltr e gw alltr?

On Fri, 13 Nov 1998, Raymond A. Brown wrote:

> >
> >That sounds reasonable (for B not to make an inclusive/exclusive
> >distinction).  What do you think about its manifestation in other ways, as
> >for example, emphasis or perhaps politeness.
> If we want to emphasize exclusivity, just as in English it's not uncommon
> to say "we other" /"us others" or "the of us" and if we want to be
> inclusive we say "we all" / "us all" or "all of us".

By emphasis I meant not "emphasis of exclusivity" but general emphasis;
like _*WE*_ v. we.

> But both neither French & modern Welsh have developed polite 3rd person
> substitutes for "you".  Both languages retain the old 2nd singular (tu/ ti
> respectively) as informal or intimate form of singular address, and use the
> old plural (vous/ ch(w)i) as the polite singular as well as the general
> plural.  Therefore, I think it likely that Brithenig would've done the same.

More or less the same in Spain, except that "new" polite forms were
created (vuestra merced and one or two others that didn't catch on).

> >>
> >> >some other thoughts going on at the moment:
> >> >
> >> >1. on the evidence of germination in Italian, should Brithenig prep. _a_
> >> >be followed by aspirant mutation;
> >> >
> >> >ad + C > a + CC > a + Ch
> .......
> >
> >If the final /d/ became [h] (like Andalucian and many Lat. Am. dialects
> >(la ciuda de Madri, for ex.));
> I thought it was in fact silent in such cases.  Voiced fricatives (which is
> what Spanish /d/ is in such positions) have a tendency to disappear, cf.
> final -f [v] in modern Welsh.  Oddly, however, final [D] maintains itself
> in Welsh, so much so that when the final -f of Caerdyf became silent the
> fricative was restored as the modern Caerdydd.

It's frequently very difficult to tell: some people say Madhri, others
Madhrih.  Even in Madrid the final /d/ seems to dissapear at times; except
when news readers talk, then it's la Thhhhiudhhhhadhhhh de Madhhhridhhhh
