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Re: Something to talk about.

On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Andrew Smith wrote:

> Rhaifun and I have discussed leeks in the past but I can't find the
> correspondence off hand.  I think leeks are one of those inexpicable
> things that just 'happened'.
> > Brzhonegh.  I've worked out a bit of Brzhonegh history too, but this is
> > contingent upon the situation in the Netherlands *there*.
> > 
> Tell us what you want and we shall see if we can fit it in!
Here's a rough outline:

Dhystorja kwrta Brzhoni Ghenwrys
[History  short Brzhona-GEN Nation-GEN]
A Brief History of the Brzhona Nation

The history of the Brzhona begins when the Roman legions arrived in the
northwestern part of today's France.  The inhabitants there were
originally speakers of a Celtic language called Brezhoneg.  Over time the
Latin language became the lingua france, but the local speech was very
heavily influenced by Brezhoneg phonology, and a fair number of words were
retained as well.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Brzhona created a kingdom.  The
first king, Karrlws, reigned for three years before his death, and having
left no heir, the Senotu (Senate) assumed power and the kingdom was
declared the "Rrwspwvlyka Brzhonorwm", or Republic of the Brzhona.
The Rrwspwvlyka was conquered by French forces of the Capetingians in the
10th century.  In the 11th and 12th centuries, most of the Brzhona left
Brittany and settled along the coast of the Low Countries [Belgium,
<Insert Dutch history to 1566>
In 1566, the populace of the Low Countries revolted against Spanish rule,
and in 1581 the Republic of the Netherlands was formed.  The Brzhona
became citizens of the Netherlands.
<insert Dutch history to 1868>
In 1868 the Dutch section of the 1st Communist International was formed,
and as most of the Brzhona could be considered to be part of the
proletarian class, many of them joined.
<Dutch to 1918>
In 1918 on March 19th, the Brzhona revolted against the Dutch monarchy and
created the "Sobjeta Rrwspwvlyka Brzhonorwm" (Soviet Republic of the
Brzhona).  After much fierce fighting, the Dutch Army conquered the Soviet
Republic on 9. April 1918, and the leaders of the revolution and other
prominent communists were executed.
The situation did not improve for the Brzhona.  In 1932, Villwm wz Aghro
[By this time, the Brzhona used Dutch-style names, hence Villwm wz Aghro =
Willem van der Veldt. -ed.] formed the Brzhona National Party, modelled
along the lines of Mussolini's fascisti in Italy.  Their primary objective
was to establish an independent Brzhona state.  When hitlerist forces
occupied the Netherlands, a Brzhona Nazi puppet state was formed with
Villwm wz Aghro as Dwzh, or "leader".  The majority of the Brzhona nation,
however, did not support wz Aghro's puppet state, and joined forces with
Dutch and Belgian resistance forces fighting against German and BNP
forces.  In May of 1945 Allied forces liberated the low countries, and wz
Aghro was captured by Brzhona partisans and was beheaded in front of a
large audience in the stadium of Kalkars Bazterrei (Hoek van Holland)
[Kalkars Bazterrei has the largest Brzhona population of any city in the
Netherlands, about 80%]

This is Brzhona history (roughly) to 1945.  I've yet to work out '45 to
date, but I have an idea that it will consist of a laot of struggle by the
Brzhona to achieve, if not total independence, then recognition as a
distinct society and an autonomous area.

Ferenc Gy. Valoczy

                      Es to pilni'gi noliedzu!

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                    Zaradi politicnega delovanja
                             je oblast
                            v letu 1982
