How is "in order to" said in Lojban?
{mi zukte lo nu klama lo zarci kei lo nu mi cpacu lo djacu} - i go to the store in order to acquire water.{mi klama lo zarci fi'o te zukte lo nu cpacu lo djacu} and {mi klama lo zarci te zu'e lo nu cpacu lo djacu} both work as well and are more elegant.
{mi zukte lo nu klama lo zarci kei lo nu mi cpacu lo djacu} - i go to the store in order to acquire water.
{mi klama lo zarci fi'o te zukte lo nu cpacu lo djacu} and {mi klama lo zarci te zu'e lo nu cpacu lo djacu} both work as well and are more elegant.
>>633 Try "[tezu'e]" which, as I learned from Rizen, means "for the goal of..."- it is a sumti tcita."[sesau]" also might work (it means "is needed for something") and also is a sumtcita.Hope that helps!
Try "[tezu'e]" which, as I learned from Rizen, means "for the goal of..."- it is a sumti tcita.
"[sesau]" also might work (it means "is needed for something") and also is a sumtcita.
Hope that helps!
>>635 Oh, and "[te zu'e]" comes from [zo <<zukte] so they both work. The tcita is just more condensed and does not get in the way of the main bridi (which otherwise would need to be in an abstraction or spearated from the one containg [zo <<zukte]).
Oh, and "[te zu'e]" comes from [zo <<zukte] so they both work. The tcita is just more condensed and does not get in the way of the main bridi (which otherwise would need to be in an abstraction or spearated from the one containg [zo <<zukte]).
which is basically what i suggested :)
>>633 Oh, okay. Thank you everyone.
Oh, okay. Thank you everyone.
>>637 Yup. :) [.uizo'o]
Yup. :) [.uizo'o]
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