None of these say "there exists" -- for that you would use {da}
Cmavo {da}, of selma'o {KOhA1}, with rafsi {dav, dza}, glossing to {something 1}:
logically quantified existential pro-sumti: there exists something 1 (usually restricted)
They can simply refer to something you have in mind, fictional or existing or otherwise.
Cmavo {lo}, of selma'o {LE}, glossing to {the really is}:
veridical descriptor: the one(s) that really is(are) ...
Cmavo {le}, of selma'o {LE}, glossing to {the described}:
non-veridical descriptor: the one(s) described as ...
Cmavo {loi}, of selma'o {LE}, glossing to {the mass really is}:
veridical descriptor: the mass of individual(s) that is(are) ...
Cmavo {lei}, of selma'o {LE}, glossing to {the mass described}:
non-veridical descriptor: the mass of individual(s) described as ...
Cmavo {lai}, of selma'o {LA}, glossing to {the mass of named}:
name descriptor: the mass of individual(s) named ... ; takes name or selbri description