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What is the problem of not inserting "y" between 4-letter and 5-letter rafsi in a lujvo, provided that the adjacent sounds are of a permitted consonant pair? Wouldn't "cedrmintu" (cedra+mintu) still work as a brivla?
cedrmintu works as a brivla, but it's a stage-3 fu'ivla. see the output of vlatai:cedrmintu : fu'ivla (stage-3 short rafsi) : ced/r/mintucedrymintu : lujvo : cedrymintu
cedrmintu works as a brivla, but it's a stage-3 fu'ivla. see the output of vlatai:
cedrmintu : fu'ivla (stage-3 short rafsi) : ced/r/mintucedrymintu : lujvo : cedrymintu
The "y" is also needed to break lujvo into rafsi correctly. E.g., if you remove the "y" from "klamylujvo" (made up example, obviously), it would become "kla-mlu-jvo".