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Re: Some suggestions

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Raymond A. Brown wrote:

> The modern Cymry manage it, as well tl- and dl-  :)
Gosh, they're clever those Cymry!
> I understood that written 'di' is pronounced 'ddi'.  While I can imagine an
> intermediate stage 'ddi lla' giving a softening of intervocalic -ll- to -l-
> hence 'ddila' contracting to 'ddla' I don't really see why the -l- should
> then cause the soft 'dd' to re-harden to 'd'; nor since Welsh happily
> accommodates both 'ddl-' and 'dl-' do I see why the -l- should disappear.
> But that's just my own opinion.
I am disinclined to lose such magnificent gobstoppers as ddla, The Grand
Master Plan would argue against it.  It could be argued that Breathanach
and Kernu are more radical languages.

> Gosh - fancy my forgetting 'Brithenig' !!  I guess we're so used to
> Brithenig it would be awkward to change it unless we really had to.  I've
> already gone off final -gh.
That would place us at square one (or ultimate syllable one) either a
digraph is permitted *ffelits, *ffelig', *ffeliz or a rule is added to the
pronunciation to say that some final '-g's are soft for historical
soundchanges and must be learnt where they are encountered (personally I
don't believe in one letter, one sound as a law of natlangs).

> I think your neo-Old English conlang must be kept separate from the
> 're-discovery' of the Brithenig _natlang_  :)
I have no intention of foisting one on the other.  Zelandish is something
that I will introduce to the Conlang list when I have done enough encoding
from my diaries that I am satisfied with the results.  That's a very
long-term plan and belongs to a different universe than the Chomro.

- andrew.

Andrew Smith, Intheologus 			hobbit@earthlight.co.nz
Q. Why are there so many Smiths in the Phone Book?
A. Because they all have telephones!

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